Invest in the built heritage of the city centre

The City of Angoulême is rolling out a Programmed Operation for the Upgrading of Housing and Urban Renewal (OPAHRU) in partnership with ANAH (National Housing Agency), GrandAngoulême Urban Community and the Charente Departmental Council to assist you in the renovation of your home and the investment in built heritage in the heart of the city. Funding for the rehabilitation of privately-owned heritage. 

An ambitious programme with a budget of €5.8 million in aid!

# What is an OPAH-RU?

L’Opération Programmée d’Amélioration de l’Habitat de Renouvellement Urbain (2017-2021) est un programme de réhabilitation du parc privé ancien. The Programmed Operation for the Upgrading of Housing and Urban Renewal (2017-2021) is a rehabilitation programme for private owners of old property. This scheme provides investors and property owners with financial aid and assistance (administrative, technical and financial) to boost the placing on the market of vacant accommodation and to carry out works in housing.

# Aims

- Improve living conditions for occupants (sub-standard accommodation, fuel poverty, adaptation for elderly and disabled occupants).
- Restore obsolete accommodation to rental market standard

# Who can avail?

- Owner-occupiers

- Landlords: rehabilitation and/or acquisition-upgrading.

# Basic requirements

• The property must be located in a defined perimeter and date by at least 15 years

• Works must enter into OPAH scope, i.e. energy savings, adaptation for the elderly or disabled.

• The property must serve as a main residence.

• Works must be carried out by qualified building professionals.


Download the City of Angoulême leaflet
José Tenera, Manager of the ‘City Centre Action’ project
05 45 38 71 08

Permanence SOLIHA Hôtel de Ville,
05 45 38 93 16